Sunday 14 February 2010

Assignment Title: The Obvious Illusion Assignment Ref. No: SP306310 STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY

Avedon describes a portrait as a picture of a person aware their picture was being taken.
In this shot my Great Grandfather, John Stanfield and his dog Toby sit to the left on the canal bank. My Great Grandmother and Great Uncle Will are in the boat to the left. Great Uncle Ernest is central with an oar. My paternal Grandmother Edith Stanfield is behind Ernest with the light dress and an oar.

The original picture is postcard size and dates from around 1915.
Location is Measham canal. At first glance this striking compositon appears to have happened by chance.


Theme 1: Portraits
Title:‘My Family and Other Animals.’
This title is unashamedly stolen from the naturalist Gerald Durrell’s book of the same name which chronicled his stay in Corfu as a child. I have three beautiful nieces, when recent asked how many siblings she had my youngest niece stated four. ‘And their names?’ was the next question, ‘Laura, Rachel, Mitten and Lucky.’

Statement of Intent.
I would like to produce a high quality set of portraits of my family members including some of our animals, in a variety of settings both as individuals and in groups.
I am inspired by a collection of very high quality photographs most of which were taken by my Great Uncle Will around about 1915. This family archive was discovered by my father in an old desk which he inherited.
Location: Some family members are happy to come into the studio, others are trickier and I would like to make a ‘home studio’ using portable lighting as well as setting the subjects in their normal environment and using natural light.
Understandably some members are more willing than others, I’ll need to take on board their anxieties and have a sympathetic approach, I’d like them to appear relaxed and true to there nature rather than be ‘made over’ for the shoot.
The purpose is to document our family in the present day, for future generations in the same way that this picture from around 1915 does. This will enable me to learn and research portrait photography with a view to adding ‘another string to my bow’ professionally.
The project will stretch my understanding of photographic technique, and I understand I’ll need to catch up with my knowledge to this level.
I’ve often been amazed by how good professional photographs are and I’d like to be able to produce work which is comparable.


  1. Hi
    A good outline of your intention, however can you refer back to the formal handout and just add more info if you have omitted any of the data.
    Refer to the statement of intent handout.


  2. Hi
    Feb 14th blog entry clear statement P1



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