Sunday 28 February 2010

Invite to Studio Session at My House

Open invitation to C & G L3 Magnificent Eight.
To a Studio Session/Coffee Morning at my house on
Sun 7 March 2010.
10.00 am to 12.00

Main aims are to have a play with lighting and backgrounds.
Use natural day light.
Practice portrait sitter positoning.

RSVP by comment.
Please add your own aims or just come for a coffee.
If Jim brings his lights and reflectors etc. and Eric can bring the college lights we can set up a natural light shoot and a darker studio light area.


  1. Count me in. I have not got the lights booked out for next week so Pip, could you email Mr Steve and get them booked out. I have had them for 2 weeks and I think someone else should book them, as they can only be booked when someone returns the kit.
    Did not know you lived in the States? is it Houston or Dallas????????? The link to the map goes there, or is it me?
    I would like to try and emulate some of Penn's images. Do we need a flat or 2? a black one?

  2. Please reserve me a table for one,coffee please!! :-)

  3. black with one sugar please! lovely idea hun, I'll get Bob hopefully to drop me off, shall I bring a ferret or two for the sitting? I'm sure Missy would love to come too!! only kidding.......or am I ?!

  4. Hi
    Great that your are working as a team



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